Please navigate to Pegasus Company Pre-Qual for Orica HERE.
The Orica Contractor Management System process is completed in two parts: business registration, and worker registration, including induction bookings.
We suggest you read through the instructions and give yourself time to source the information needed to work for Orica. Your administrators will complete this process for your business and each worker.
If your business is already registered, you may login to the system via Pegasus Gateway, and follow the instructions under Stage 2: Register Your Workers to ensure each employee is site-ready for this project.
Video and document user guides can be found from the Help and Resources page.
How To Register
Stage 1: Register Your Business
Step 1 > Register a username and password
The Orica Workforce Management System can be found by clicking HERE.
Start by entering a username of your choosing, plus your email address and a password. You’ll be emailed confirmation.
Step 2 > Register business details and answer profile questions
Using your new details, login to the Orica Workforce Management System.
Follow the process to qualify your business by answering profile questions and selecting the insurances and licences you can supply to support your registration.
Step 3 > Pay for registration
Business registration costs $172.50 + GST annually for the verification of your documents and information, and the maintenance of your account.
Step 4 > Upload documents for verification
You will be prompted to upload copies of the licences and insurances you selected in step 2 for verification.
Documents may include but are not limited to:
– Public and Product Liability Insurance
– Workers Compensation Insurance
– Professional Indemnity Insurance
You’ll be emailed when your documents are verified or if any corrections are required to finalise your company qualification.
On approval, you may proceed to Stage 2: Register Your Workers.
Stage 2: Register Your Workers
Step 1 > Login and add workers
On business registration approval (stage 1), We will email you login details to register your workers.
Using these emailed details, login and add your workers – you’ll start by selecting Manage Roles and then Add New Employee. From here you can enter and save their personal contact details, address, phone and email.
Step 2 > Pay for worker registration and inductions
Pay for your worker’s registration to work for Orica Kooragang Island.
Year 1 costs $74.75 + GST per worker for the management of roles, verification of documents, and inductions.
Annual renewal costs $34.50 + GST per worker.
A tax invoice will be supplied on payment.
Step 3 > Add roles, upload documents and book training
You will next select your worker’s name to Add New Role and choose the role/s they’ll perform for Orica Kooragang Island.
Your selections will determine the competency documents (licences, cards and qualifications) you’ll upload in the system to prove your worker can perform the chosen role/s.
At this time, you will also book your worker’s inductions. They will be emailed a link and login details.
The documents you’ve uploaded during registration will be validated. You’ll be emailed if there are any issues and given a chance to update the information. Upon document approval and induction completion, the roles will be applied to your worker’s profile and their access ID cards distributed at site.
It’s important that you keep worker’s details up to date, and you’ll be emailed about expiring documents and information to stay compliant.
Pegasus Gateway
Once you have completed both stages to register, the system can be accessed by creating a Pegasus Gateway account, and adding the Orica tile. This allows you to access both parts of the Orica System from one place with one login. Click the Pegasus Gateway button at the top of the page once you’re all registered.